We DO NOT use tracking pixels, tags, cookies or any other web tracking applications for marketing purposes.
We do not require your full medical history however, the more thorough you are may make a difference in any life or death situation.
History - Please list and detail any pertinent medical history including pre-existing conditions? Anything that may be applicable to the current illness or injury?
Allergies - Reactions to medications, food, or other substances?
Medications - List all current medications and the name, dosage and frequency taken? This includes over-the-counter medications, herbal medications, supplements and any other drugs being taken.
Vaccinations - List all current immunizations and vaccinations.
ID photo - Must be color, in digital format (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png), no more than 1M with a minimum of 200 X 200 pixels and taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance.
The photo you are uploading is used to verify your identity, the exact photo you would use for your international passport. To avoid delays in becoming an ID-ME Member, please adhere to the following guidelines when selecting your photo.
Your photo must be:
Color, no more than 1M with a minimum of 200 X 200 pixels
Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance
Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
Taken with a neutral facial expression or a natural smile, and with both eyes open
Make sure the photo presents the full head from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin
Center the head with the frame
Photos must not be digitally enhanced or altered to change your appearance in any way
Photo is to be in clothing that you wear on a daily basis:
Uniforms, clothing that looks like a uniform, and camouflage attire should not be worn in photos except in the case of religious attire that is worn daily
You may only wear a hat or head covering if you wear it daily for religious purposes
Your full face must be visible and your head covering cannot obscure your hairline or cast shadows on your face
Headphones, wireless hands-free devices or similar items are not acceptable in your photo
If you normally wear prescription glasses, a hearing device or similar articles, they may be worn for your photo. Glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo
Dark glasses or non-prescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless you need them for medical reasons
ID-ME references and provides guidelines based on the US Government Passport Photo Rules.
If you need assistance in preparing your photo for upload, search in your Internet browser for “Online Image / Photo Cropping” and you will find several free services available such as Croppolla.com, ResizeYourImage.com, CropMyImage.net, etc.
*ID-ME provides these links/websites as a public service only, and neither endorses nor guarantees in any way the external organizations, services, advice, or products included in these website links
ID-ME allows you to enter two emergency contact numbers. In accordance with HIPAA Compliance we do not collect the names of your emergency contacts. It is therefore important that you let the people whose numbers you are using know you have given their numbers for contact purposes in an emergency.
H.A.M. Information (History, Allergies and Medications)
Emergency Contact Phone Numbers
Identification Photo
Registration Details