General Questions
Replacement Card Request

Lost or Stolen
You can replace your ID-ME card for $15.00. This process terminates your existing membership and generates a new ID-ME Membership ID# and U-ID Code. Your recorded medical information, Anniversary Date and membership term shall remain the same as before. What you will need:
Membership ID# (refer to your Welcome Email or Wall Poster)
You are going to receive an ID-ME Membership Package with a new Membership ID# and Unique Identifier U-ID code. As stated above, your recorded medical information, Anniversary Date and original membership term remain the same.
When you receive your new ID-ME Membership Package, It is very important to destroy all prior information, emails, and documents associated with your old Membership ID# and Unique Identifier U-ID code.
Visit the “Update Member Details” page, enter your Membership ID# and click on Replacement Card Request.

USB Flash Drive Issue(s)
Reasons you may be submitting a request:
I received my ID-ME card and the USB flash drive memory device and/or USB module is not working.
I have been a member for less than two (2) years and my USB flash drive memory device and/or USB module suddenly stopped working.
Having a flash drive that becomes corrupt, needs formatting or simply appears to have stopped working can be common. Many times the issue can be easily fixed without requesting a new card.
The first step is to go online, open your browser and search the issue with phrases such as...
Repair My USB Flash Drive
USB Flash Drive Not Recognized
USB Flash Drive Not Responding
And so on...
Inserting the flash drive in different devices or operating systems can create a need for the drive to be formatted. This is one of many common reasons your flash drive may have stopped working or is no longer performing properly. Details on fixing a USB flash drive can range from basic to advanced. We are not asking for you to take apart your flash drive and operate however we are asking that you do a little research before submitting your request.
If the flash drive has been misused or not properly cared for within the warranty period your request may be denied. To avoid this please review our Warranty Policy in our “Terms and Conditions”.
Visit the “Update Member Details” page, enter your Membership ID# and click on Replacement Card Request.

U-ID Code Issue(s)
Reasons you may be submitting a request:
I received my ID-ME card and the U-ID code image cannot be read/scanned.
I have been a member for less than two (2) years and my QR code image can no longer be read/scanned.
Make sure you have cleaned the surface and removed any obstructions or contaminants. Soft cloth dampened lightly with warm water can be helpful.
If your ID-ME card has been misused or not properly cared for within the warranty period your request may be denied. To avoid this please review our Warranty Policy in our “Terms and Conditions”.
Visit the “Update Member Details” page, enter your Membership ID# and click on Replacement Card Request.